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World of Warcraft  Match statistics
 Match Date  Versus  Win/Loss  FF
 July 13, 2006  ZG  Win  no
Posted by: NapalmDawn
Raid Info
ZONE: Zul'Gurub
START: 7/13/2006 4:09 PM END: 7/13/2006 6:27 PM
DURATION: 2h 17m

Boss kills
High Priestess Jeklik @ 7/13/2006 4:21 PM Players: 20
- Azedos
- Comcast
- Druidicus
- Fixsham
- Gdinero
- Kozgoroth
- Laoguai
- Medixz
- Muldir
- Pancakes
- Pepperz
- Raasktor
- Rachela
- Rockshock
- Runin
- Sarenaty
- Silentecho
- Silverbolt
- Skinmanz
- Trellno
High Priest Venoxis @ 7/13/2006 4:49 PM Players: 20
- Azedos
- Comcast
- Druidicus
- Fixsham
- Gdinero
- Kozgoroth
- Laoguai
- Medixz
- Muldir
- Pancakes
- Pepperz
- Raasktor
- Rachela
- Remorsless
- Rockshock
- Runin
- Silentecho
- Silverbolt
- Skinmanz
- Trellno
High Priestess Mar'li @ 7/13/2006 6:16 PM Players: 20
- Azedos
- Comcast
- Darqonus
- Druidicus
- Fixsham
- Gdinero
- Kozgoroth
- Laoguai
- Lintlock
- Medixz
- Muldir
- Pepperz
- Raasktor
- Rachela
- Remorsless
- Rockshock
- Runin
- Silverbolt
- Skinmanz
- Trellno


[Primal Hakkari Aegis] from High Priestess Jeklik
Looter: Medixz Cost: n/a DKP

[Seafury Boots] from High Priestess Jeklik
Looter: Fixsham Cost: n/a DKP

[Zulian Scepter of Rites] from High Priestess Jeklik
Looter: Silverbolt Cost: n/a DKP

[Primal Hakkari Bindings] from High Priest Venoxis
Looter: Comcast Cost: n/a DKP

[Seal of the Gurubashi Berserker] from High Priest Venoxis
Looter: Muldir Cost: n/a DKP

[Fang of Venoxis] from High Priest Venoxis
Looter: Fixsham Cost: n/a DKP

[Blood Scythe] from Trash mob
Looter: Silverbolt Cost: n/a DKP

[Primal Hakkari Shawl] from High Priestess Mar'li
Looter: Trellno Cost: n/a DKP

[Talisman of Protection] from High Priestess Mar'li
Looter: Kozgoroth Cost: n/a DKP

[Blooddrenched Mask] from High Priestess Mar'li
Looter: Druidicus Cost: n/a DKP

23 players
Druidicus 2h 17m (4:09 PM-6:27 PM)
Laoguai 2h 17m (4:09 PM-6:27 PM)
Trellno 2h 17m (4:09 PM-6:27 PM)
Silverbolt 2h 17m (4:09 PM-6:26 PM)
Gdinero 2h 17m (4:09 PM-6:26 PM)
Kozgoroth 2h 16m (4:09 PM-6:26 PM)
Rachela 2h 16m (4:09 PM-6:26 PM)
Medixz 2h 16m (4:09 PM-6:26 PM)
Raasktor 2h 15m (4:09 PM-6:25 PM)
Comcast 2h 15m (4:09 PM-6:25 PM)
Muldir 2h 15m (4:09 PM-6:25 PM)
Runin 2h 15m (4:09 PM-6:24 PM)
Skinmanz 2h 14m (4:09 PM-6:26 PM)
Azedos 2h 11m (4:09 PM-6:21 PM)
Rockshock 2h 10m (4:09 PM-6:20 PM)
Fixsham 2h 10m (4:09 PM-6:19 PM)
Pepperz 2h 9m (4:09 PM-6:18 PM)
Pancakes 1h 46m (4:09 PM-5:56 PM)
Remorsless 1h 44m (4:31 PM-6:19 PM)
Silentecho 1h 4m (4:09 PM-5:13 PM)
Darqonus 1h 2m (5:24 PM-6:27 PM)
Lintlock 0h 25m (6:01 PM-6:26 PM)
Sarenaty 0h 18m (4:09 PM-4:28 PM)
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